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plus-plus buy-in process

См.: процесс согласия плюс-плюс.



plus-plus buy-in process

plus-plus buy-in process - The steps in the process for achieving buy-in include: 1. Agree on the ambitious objective to be achieved. 2. Agree that reaching the objective is much more difficult than it was originally thought. 3. Agree that there is a direction for a solution. 4. Agree on the solution details. 5. Overcome unverbalized fears, such as the potential negative consequences of success. 6. Agree to the change and its implementation.

Usage: The above figure describing the change analogy is useful in understanding the plus-plus buy-in process. The plus-plus buy-in process involves the following steps: 1. Get agreement on the pot-of-gold and how much better their situation will be with the pot-of-gold. Show that we recognize that there is also a plus of "not-changing" (mermaid) but that this is either small in comparison to the pot-of-gold or that under the right conditions, the pot-of-gold can be achieved without having to give up the mermaid. 2. Get agreement that achieving the desired benefits is exceedingly more difficult than they may expect than any past change previously attempted. (Show that the mountain is much higher and the

cliff is steeper than we could imagine).
3. Get agreement that there is a process that can take us from our current place to achieving the potential benefits (some way to build a ladder over the cliff). There is a leverage point to which we can connect a climbing mechanism. There is a direction of the solution. Potentially there is a way.
4. Get agreement that there is a specific solution for their situation (our proposed change) that will get them all the potential benefits (pot-of-gold) without the risk of the crutches (the ladder).
5. Introduce the risks of making the required change (breaking your head or leg when falling off the ladder). Verbalize for the one that needs to change their unverbalized fears as they are by definition not able to verbalize them. It is our role to show them how they can avoid these risks. (Show where they can break their leg/head and how they can avoid it). They know it exists but not what it is. They cannot contribute and will only introduce garbage to the discussion. If allowed to contribute, I cannot disregard it.
6. We get them to agree to the change. Agree it can be done. The cliff can be scaled.

See:change analogy, minus-minus buy-in process.